Get big or huge traffic

This is one of problems when you make website. Perhaps, you are complained of having little or no visitors and I guest I will help you to solve your problems. How to get big or huge traffic?

It’s just simple. I have big or huge followers of twitters. Until now, I can get at least 150,000 followers. Perhaps I can tweet or retweet yours and then, your website or blog will get big or huge visitors. 

Developing a Website That Generates Traffic and Increases Sales

Developing a Website That Generates Traffic and Increases Sales

When you own a business, your website is one of your most important tools that can be used to reach new customers and generate higher sales.

Whether you have an established website that is not currently working for you, or you are a complete newbie to the online marketing world, improving your website so that it generates traffic and increases sales is the right thing for your business.

Without a high quality website that attracts visitors and provides you with a way to capture information, you are not using the Internet’s power to its full potential. The information below can provide you with an idea of why a good website is so important for your businesses’ bottom line.

Why is a Quality Business Website so Important?

A high-quality business website provides you with a way to capture the enormous amount of traffic that is on the Internet. It also makes your business more accessible to your customers.

It does this, by giving website users a way to contact you or find out valuable information about your products or services without having to get on the phone, and during non-business hours.

There are literally millions of people searching the Internet for various reasons on any given day. If you are not trying to capture some of those visitors, then you are losing out on many potential sales each month. Just as your store gives you a physical presence a high-quality website provides you with an online Internet presence.

Benefits of Having a Good Website

As a business owner, there are many benefits to having a quality website that is able to not only generate traffic but also increase sales for your company. The first benefit that a business website can provide you with is it enables you to have access to customers that you otherwise might not have contact with.

Without a website, you are only able to reach your potential market through traditional means, and not those potential customers that primarily use the internet for their purchase research.

By enlisting the help of an internet marketing service company, you can create a highly effective direct response website that enables you to reach out to Internet traffic.

By adding an opt-in form to a quality website, you can increase your earning potential each year by at least 20%. An opt-in form provides a means of capturing visitors’ contact information. This is very valuable as it will allow you to send current and potential customers information about promotions, important updates, and special sales events throughout the year.

The visitors on your list will be people that you know are already interested in the services that you are offering, and by sending out a sales message to them your rate of return will be much higher than with an untargeted ad in the newspaper.

One of the most important benefits that a business website provides is that it allows you to remain a step above your competition. If other related local businesses do not currently have websites, you are already reaching far more people than they are.

By creating a high-quality website that can generate massive traffic and drive sales, you are ensuring that your site will be listed before the competitions’ in the search engine rankings.

How to Develop a High Quality Business Website

Unless you are professional, the best way to develop a high-quality business website is to seek out an Internet marketing company or web designer that can create a customized plan for your business.

These companies have experience marketing to those online, and they can help your website by marketing it for targeted driven traffic, and ensuring that it gets ranked well within the search engine listings.

Off-line business owners can increase their revenue by creating a business website or revamping their old one. Without a high-quality site that is able to generate traffic and increase your sales, your online presence will do you no good. Enlist the help of a professional Internet marketing company to develop a website that will help your business thrive.

About the Author: Aaron Howard – For more information on website development and online marketing, contact Aaron Howard, Business Development Manager with CU Innovative Marketing at

7 Steps for Creating a Web Analytics Culture

7 Steps for Creating a Web Analytics Culture
By Chris Crum – Thu, 08/27/2009 – 08:08
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Help Management Understand the Importance

You may recall Feras Alhlou, who chatted with WebProNews earlier this year after contributing a guest post to Google’s Analytics Blog about using advanced segments in Google Analytics. Alhlou is the president of E-Nor, and he presented at an analytics session at SES this week.

Feras Alhlou Alhlou says there is a quote from Albert Einstein that C-level executives, marketing managers and analysts should keep in mind when it comes to establishing and nurturing a web analytics culture in their organizations. That quote is:

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and, not everything that counts can be counted.”

With that in mind, Alhlou provides the following seven practical tips:

1. One size fits none

You need to understand and identify what is important to the organization. Time, money, and resources are limited, so you must use them wisely.

2.Know your audience

Don’t try to impress your boss with a radar map or a 5-dimentional motion chart. The following is an example of what not to start off with, unless your management is very “visually inclined.”

3. Help your audience understand

Try to help your audience understand the basics. Start off with some common web metrics, and then move into task completion/conversion concepts.

4. Plan to integrate cost data

This refers to click spend, banner ad costs, etc. Have a model for ROI (return-on-investment) calculations.

5. Don’t forget non-web Leads

Your site visitors are not all the same. Some of would buy online or submit a form online, while some just like to call and speak with someone. Bring phone data into the mix.

6. A CRM system

For lead generation sites, a CRM system is must. Classify your leads into categories (high quality leads, junk leads, etc.) and bring this insight back into your campaign conversion and ROI calculations. It’s one thing to get 10 leads @ $1000 from campaign A, it is a totally different picture when 7 of these leads are junk!

7. Tie it all together

Tie it all together into business metrics that C-levels and business owners/managers can relate to. At the end of the day, it is not about visits, pageviews, conversions! It is about revenue and net profits!

I would like to thank Feras Alhlou for sharing these tips with WebProNews readers. There’s no question that analytics can make a great impact on marketing, and if you work in a company that isn’t doing all it should be in this department, these are some good tips to help change that.

The Biggest Security Hole on the Web?

The Biggest Security Hole on the Web?
By Chris Crum – Thu, 08/27/2009 – 06:00
Post to Twitter Post to Facebook

Security Company Points to Flash/Acrobat Reader Vulnerabilities

Two weeks ago, Adobe released a critical patch for Flash Player and Acrobat Reader. According to online security company Trusteer, about 80% of users are still vulnerable, and perhaps more startling, the company views this as being possibly the biggest security hole on the Internet today.

That 80% figure is based on Trusteer’s installed base of over 2.5 million online banking users of the company’s security service.

“The penetration of Adobe Flash and Acrobat is unparalleled,” a spokesperson for Trusteer tells WebProNews. “According to Adobe, 99% of Internet users run Flash.

Reader and FlashSo so many people on the web are running Flash, and Adobe released the patch two weeks ago, why are so many still vulnerable? Trusteer thinks Adobe just has issues with distributing patches.

“Adobe is facing some major security challenges and one of its biggest hurdles is its software update mechanism. For some reason, it is not effective enough in distributing security patches to the field,” says Trusteer CEO Mickey Boodaei. “Given the lack of attention this situation has received to date, it appears that few people understand the magnitude of the problem. We recommend that all enterprises and individuals install the latest Flash and Acrobat updates immediately.”

Accoreding to Trusteer, targeting products like Flash and Acrobat is attractive to wrongdoers because they reach such a huge portion of Internet users. Browser use is much more diversified with Internet Explorer reaching about 65% of users and Firefox reaching 30%. Targeting Adobe’s products just covers a lot more people.

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Twitter tools for WordPress blogs

Twitter tools for WordPress blogs

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun…
Image via CrunchBase

Well, while I am on a roll, here are some more tools for Twitter. Did you follow the tip I gave you yesterday?

When I started to write about Twitter in this blog I created a new Twitter account ( http://www.twitter,com/sitehype ). Check out my account and see how well these ideas work for real if you are reluctant to test yourself. You should be able to get the same results just by doing what I have written in the last couple of days.

If you use WordPress and have started to use twitter here are two free tools you should start using.

Twitter tools is a plugin that integrates you blog with your twitter account. You can auto create tweets from your blog posts with links to your own post from your tweet.
Twitter tools also has some other features like:
* Archive your Twitter tweets (downloaded every 10 minutes)
* Create a blog post from each of your tweets
* Create a daily or weekly digest post of your tweets
* Post a tweet from your sidebar
* Post a tweet from the WP Admin screens
* Pass your tweets along to another service (via API hook)
Using Twitter-tools and the scheduling in WordPress you have one more way to prepare your blogging in advance. Especially useful if you are going away or know you have a few busy days ahead.

TwitThis is a widget that allows you visitors to send twitter messages about your blog posts to their followers. At you can download the required html or you can download a wordpress plugin.

Finally if you to check out some more twitter tools and ways to use twitter this page lists more than you probably care to examine,

Important Job Interview Tips

Important Job Interview Tips

Being interviewed for a new vacancy can be a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Perhaps the first thought is the happiness or for some the relief of having been invited for an interview and the knowledge that you have been considered as a potentially suitable candidate for the job. This can often give way to an overwhelming sense of anxiousness, self doubt, and fear of rejection should you not be deemed suitable.

Don’t worry help is at hand to ensure that you can excel when the day of the interview arrives.

As an Ex Recruiter here are my hot tips for interview success;

1. Look Smart.

It doesn’t matter what type of job you are applying for any potential employer wants to know that you have made an effort at your interview and presentation is important for a number of reasons
A) It shows courteous to a prospective employer and reflects your respect to them for having been invited in the first place.
B) Looking smart can also give you much needed confidence (not arrogance) in your own abilities.

2. Don’t tell them you’re nervous!

Many people with issues around self esteem seek to gain sympathy from a potential interviewer by stating just how they feel. Whilst most interviewers will politely tell you that it’s okay just take your time, it is often a sure put off and sends out a clear message that you have no confidence in your own abilities.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling nervous, with shaking, crying or even being sick just prior to your interview just as long as you are able to do this out of sight of your potential employer, perhaps in the nearest bathroom, but take time to compose yourself before it’s your turn.

Some tips for dealing with nerves

A) Take your IPOD and listen to some music whilst waiting

B) Take a magazine, newspaper or book with you to read whilst you wait.

3. Don’t lie or exaggerate

Whilst it can be tempting to exaggerate your skills or lie in order to get a job just don’t do it! I guarantee that you will be caught out at some point. I never forget interviewing a male in his late thirties for a programming position in a computer company. He was a very impressive candidate he knew all the technical language had an impressive CV , what he didn’t know was that he was required to undertake an impromptu technical test lasting 15 minutes following his face to face interview, which he duly failed spectacularly.

4. Disclosing a Criminal Conviction

In the UK it is a criminal offence to fail to disclose a previous conviction if you are requested to at any point. But there are way’s to do this. You will usually (but not always) be asked at application stage whether you have a criminal conviction and a good way to address this is simply to write yes, “will discuss at interview” This way you are being honest about the fact that you have a conviction but do not allow others to make assumptions about you before they have met you.

I can think of an example of a female who had been convicted of murder. Simply recording this information directly onto an application form would have been likely to result in people screening those applications to have dismissed her form out of hand based upon their own assumptions and prejudices. Whilst this was clearly a serious offence further exploration revealed that she had been the victim of domestic abuse for a number of years and that on the night in question her partner had again been physically assaulting her when she grabbed a knife from a work surface in the kitchen to defend herself and ended up stabbing him in the heart.

It is a moot point as to whether her actions were or were not defensible and a Court of Law found her guilty, but sometimes the context of an offences needs to be seen to allow a potential employer to make an informed decision. Clearly had she used the approach of disclosure that I have just described, she would be able to describe the factors surrounding her offence directly to the interviewer.

What about spent convictions? These are convictions that don’t have to be declared after a certain time period has elapsed. This can be a complex area and due to the changing nature of the subject it is impossible to give an exact timescale for which offences are considered spent at which time.

The best way to check this is to ask your solicitor how long your conviction will remain on your record until it is considered spent or check with a local Citizens Advice Beaureau or Job Centre
Be aware that there are some offences such as Murder or Serious Sexual Offending for which convictions are never spent.

Above all do not rule yourself out of future employment because you have a criminal record, statistics show that one of the main stabilising factors in you avoiding committing further offences is stable employment.

As an employer please don’t dismiss without consideration those with a criminal record as this can further alienate individuals and force then further down the route of re-offending.

5. Criteria or Behavioural Interviews

Increasingly companies adopt a criteria or behavioural based approach towards interviewing. Briefly, this is based upon a Cognitive Behavioural and evidenced based approach, which looks to assess your thinking (hence the word cognitive) and behaviours (hence the term behavioural) by drawing on a real life example of how you have responded to a similar situation previously.

Typically these types of interviews will focus on certain aspects of the job or criteria that are essential for that job. Taking the example of a an accountant an essential criteria may be that they have excellent numeracy skills. In this instance criteria based interviewing might be based around asking a question such as “Can you give me an example of a time when you have had to solve a number based business problem?”

In a Managerial Position a key criteria might be good time management abilities, a typical question might then be posed “Can you give me a specific example of a time when you had to prioritise one task over another, what did you do?”

These questions are very open and designed to allow the individual to talk about their experience, their initial answers will also give the interviewer an insight into their level of ability, breadth and depth of experience, so pick a good example!

Criteria based interviewing differs to general interviewing in that you are looking for specific examples and skills that are directly applicable to the job and not just asking questions like “Tell me about your plans for the next 5 years” or “what do you do in your current job” which are too broad.

The most important thing to remember when being interviewed is;
1. Use specific examples, even if they don’t ask for it. (This demonstrates evidence of HOW you have dealt with a similar situation) Potential employers love to hear about your experiences and you can use this is show off how you have handled a variety of situations in a professional manner.

Hopefully some of these interview tips will help inform your interview preparation and boost your chances of gaining employment.

The author of this post created Friends and Money in March 2007. His site is dedicated to providing reviews of Paid Survey, social networking, and cash back shopping communities. His aim is encourage visitors to Make Friends, Earn Money online.

Playing online games can develop children mind

Playing online games can develop children mind

April 4th, 2009 Harry Topper Posted in Arts-and-Entertainment | 11 views
by Harry Topper

Playing computer games could be seen as a cutting tool with two sharp sides. It is true that online games help the brain development, thus helping children learn new ways of thinking and develop their abilities. On the other hand, these activities can easily develop addiction and push towards violence and hatred.

The easiest accessible games are the ones you can play free on various websites. Made with the Flash programming technology, such games have excellent loading times, function with low computer parameters, so they are suitable even for older machines.

Before managing to launch the games, you’ll need to acquire some extra addon programs which make it possible to play straight in Internet Explorer, without having to launch the games from your hard drive. Some games can only start in specific browsers and do not work in others.

In case of having kids to play online games, you need to establish clear rules of behavior. For instance, limit the time they are allowed to play each day. Take a look at the type of games they prefer. Action games can be so violent, so you might want to be informed on the best games for each age.

Denying children access to computer games may have negative implications. Computer can be used for teaching efficiently, so it’s good to let children learn how to operate a computer even in early childhood. You should supervise this activity as a parent.

Repetitive games like Tetris or Pac-Man may not be interesting for grown-ups, but teenagers will waste a lot of time in playing them over and over again. Sport and action games can be played at any age. Complicated first person stories are also enjoyed by adults, as well as by their kids.

Modern aviation training implies replicating flight situations on simulating machines. However, they are more sophisticated, thus making setting the personnel familiar with flying the plane in the safest conditions. Next time your children would want to play, think that they can become pilots some day.
About the Author:
Harry invites gamers worldwide to play games online free on his arcade website. Check these cool free online action games.

What crisis?

What crisis?

It’s the pin-up of our age, gracing homes, shops – even a US embassy. Jon Henley on the poster we just can’t stop buying

In pictures: keep calm and put up your poster

* Jon Henley
o Jon Henley
o The Guardian, Wednesday 18 March 2009
o Article history

Keep calm and carry on propaganda poster

Second world war propaganda poster in Woodbridge. Photograph: Graham Turner

Nowadays, of course, it would be farmed out to an expensive communications agency. Back in the spring of 1939, it was an anonymous civil servant who was entrusted with finding the slogan for a propaganda poster intended to comfort and inspire the populace should, heaven forbid, the massed armies of Nazi Germany ever cross the Channel.

This was the third in a series. The first, designed to stiffen public resolve ahead of likely gas attacks and bombing raids, was printed in a run of more than a million and read: Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory. The second, identically styled, stated: Freedom Is In Peril.

From August 1939, both posters began appearing all over the country, on billboards, in shops, on railway platforms. The third, though, was held back. This one was for the real crisis: invasion. A few may have made their way on to select officials’ walls, but the vast majority of the British public never got to see it. This poster enjoined: Keep Calm And Carry On.

And suddenly these days, it’s everywhere, from homes to pubs to government offices. The Lord Chamberlain’s Office at Buckingham Palace, the prime minister’s strategy unit at No 10, the Serious Fraud Office, the US embassy in Belgium, the vice chancellor of Cambridge University, the Emergency Planning Office at Nottingham council and the officers’ mess in Basra have all ordered posters. Even David Beckham has the T-shirt, we are told.

For 60 years, the poster had been forgotten. Then, one day in 2000, Stuart Manley, co-owner with his wife Mary of Barter Books in Alnwick, Northumberland, was sifting through a box of hardbacks he had bought at auction when he saw “A big piece of paper folded up at the bottom. I opened it out, and I thought, wow. That’s quite something. I showed it to Mary, and she agreed. So we framed it and put it up on the bookshop wall. And that’s where it all started.”

Today, you can buy Keep Calm and Carry On mugs, doormats, T-shirts, hoodies, cufflinks, baby clothes and flight bags from any number of retailers. You can use the design as a screensaver for your computer or mobile phone. There are even spoofs. Facsimiles of the poster itself, which Barter Books initially reproduced after a rash of customers asked to buy its copy (one offered £1,000), have sold in their tens of thousands.

Manley has sold some 41,000 posters. He is not the only one. Mike Coop of reckons he is shifting 300-500 products a week (and admits to having tried to trademark the phrase); the Keep Calm Gallery’s Lucas Lepola is selling “probably around 500 a month”. Keep Calm and Carry On may not yet be in the same league as Athena’s all-time poster hits, Tennis Girl (2m sales) and Man and Baby (5m), but it is clearly striking a chord. The reasons, experts reckon, are manifold.

Alain Samson, a social psychologist at the London School of Economics, says that in times of difficulty, “people are brought together by looking for common values or purposes, symbolised by the crown and the message of resilience. The words are also particularly positive, reassuring, in a period of uncertainty, anxiety, even perhaps of cynicism.”

Dr Lesley Prince, who lectures in social psychology at Birmingham University, is blunter still. “It is a quiet, calm, authoritative, no-bullshit voice of reason,” he says. “It’s not about British stiff upper lip, really. The point is that people have been sold a lie since the 1970s. They were promised the earth and now they’re worried about everything – their jobs, their homes, their bank, their money, their pension. This is saying, look, somebody out there knows what’s going on, and it’ll be all right”.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump
Send to friend
Saturday, August 23rd 2008
Donald Trump Is No Hero

Last week, Donald Trump’s wrinkly ass announced to the world that he was going to save Ed McMahon’s pepaw kingdom by buying it and leasing it back to him. Ed was only days of away from losing his house. Well, as usual, Donald was talking out of his toupee. Somebody did buy Ed’s house but it wasn’t Donald. Ed’s realtor told TMZ that Donald was outbid by a private buyer. Donald didn’t even bother submitting another bid.

The private buyer placed the offer after Donald already got all the attention. The Donald issued this statement: “Blah…Blah…Blah…Rosie is a fat slob.”

No, he said: “The other buyer has signed a purchase agreement….subject to many contingencies including but not limited to a mortgage contingency. Mr. Trump clearly would not need a mortgage and would be capable of closing this transaction immediately. If the other buyer should be successful in this bid, Mr. Trump truly hopes that they do the right thing by Ed McMahon and not have this 85-year-old American icon removed from the property.”

According to The Associated Press, Ed will have to move out of the house, because the buyer plans to live there. Watch out Shady Pines! Here comes Ed!

Donald Trump should have kept his dehydrated worm lips shut until after the deal closed. But of course he wanted to bask in the glory of saving one of America’s beloved pepaws! And Pepaw Ed needs to shred his wifey’s credit cards and then send the bitch to Suze Orman.
Posted by: Michael K
Donald Trump • Girlfriend Please • Pepaws

Friday, August 15th 2008
We’re Never Going To Hear The End Of It

The patron saint of self-promotion, Donald Trump, has saved the fucking day. Trump will buy Ed McMahon’s pepaw kingdom, saving it from foreclosure. Trump will then lease it back to the pepaw, so that Ed and his wifey can continue to live there. Trump better clean off his trophy shelf, there’s a Nobel Peace Prize coming his way.

Trump told The Los Angeles Times, “”When I was at the Wharton School of Business. I’d watch him every night. How could this happen? I don’t know the man, but I grew up watching him on TV.”

Pepaw Ed’s house was listed at $4.6 million this past weekend. He’s $640,000 behind on a $4.8 million loan. It’s not known how much Saint Trump paid for the house.

Do you think Ed knows about Trump’s plans to rename his house “Rosie O’Donnell is a Fat Slob Manor”?
Posted by: Michael K
Donald Trump • Pepaws

Tuesday, July 1st 2008
Donald Trump Is Trying To Start A New Feud

Donald Trump has to give his stupid ass opinion on absolutely everything and the whole Raffey Follieri situation is no exception. Donald CHUMP told Access Hollywood (via MSNBC) that it was very “disloyal” of Anne Hathaway to leave Raffey just before his arrest. What Trump calls “disloyal,” I call “smart.”

Trump said, “She hasn’t remained very loyal to him, has she? So when he had plenty of money, she liked him, but then after that, not as good, right?”

I’m a little disappointed that Trump didn’t end his comments by saying, “And she’s a fat, degenerate, lazy slob!”

This is pretty rich coming from a dude who collects wives the way he collects dead pussy hair. If Trump lost his cash tomorrow, Melania and her hot squinty eyes would be out the fucking door without so much as a goodbye. Rule #1 in the Gold Digger’s handbook is: Love the money, not the man!
Posted by: Michael K
Anne Hathaway • Donald Trump • Raffey

Wednesday, June 11th 2008
It Moves….

Donald Trump manages to have bangs without having bangs. How is this possible? Get Ken Paves on the case!

It’s pretty frightening to see Don’s dark-sided comb over actually moving. This isn’t good news for Rosie O’Donnell. She better lock her doors and go to bed with a can of Aqua Net by her side. The comb over is coming for her!

Don’s comb over looks like a pre-k craft project. It’s some paper mache shit. When a glob of his hair falls out, he makes Melania dip it in glue and slap it on his head. He really should get hair advice from Trump Dog.

Here’s Donald and his weepy comb over in Scotland yesterday.


Source, Pacific Coast News
Posted by: Michael K
Donald Trump • Fake Asses • Fug

Friday, December 7th 2007
Donald Trump Is Not A Big Tipper

Yesterday, I posted a little bit about Donald Trump tipping $10,000 on a $82 bill at the Buffalo Club in Santa Monica, CA. Well, it was a big fat lie according to Donald. He said he wasn’t even in California at the time.

He told Page Six , “This was done by the stupid restaurant to get publicity. It’s not my signature.”

If it was true, the Donald would admit to it and require a full parade to honor his generosity. He’s still an a-hole and a cheap ass. Phew. Carry on! I can continue my hate for him.

Posted by: Michael K
Donald Trump

Thursday, December 6th 2007
The Trump’s $10,000 Tip

Donald Trump tipped a waiter $10,000. Derober has a copy of the receipt from The Buffalo Club in Santa Monica, CA where the Trump left a hefty tip on a $82 bill.

Here’s Billy (the waiter’s) story:

I finally brought them out the check. Trump grabbed it and actually spoke to me from the first time. “What’s the biggest tip you ever got?”

“Jerry Bruckheimer comes in a lot. He tipped me $500 on a $1000 check once.” Trump nodded his head. “You’re very good at your job.” “Thanks.”

Trump then got up and left. Billy went to pick-up the check and noticed the tip. He tried to contact Trump to thank him, but hasn’t had any luck.

Hmmm…isn’t The Apprentice coming back soon? Perfect publicity. I can’t wait to hear what Trump has to say about this on The Insider, Access Hollywood, ET, TMZ, Rachael Ray, Regis & Kelly, The Dog Whisperer, Dr. G: Medical Examiner and every local news station in the country.

He’ll probably follow it with, “I’m sure that fat, ugly, slob Rosie O’Donnell never gave a tip like that. She’s a pathetic, dumb woman.”

VIA Defamer

Posted by: Michael K
Donald Trump • I Don’t Like Jokes

Wednesday, October 17th 2007
The Trump Knows Beauty

Donald Trump doesn’t understand why Angelina Jolie is called one of the world’s most beautiful women. He told Larry King that he knows beauty and Angelina is no beauty.

“Angelina Jolie is sort of amazing because everyone thinks she’s like this great beauty. And I’m not saying she’s an unattractive woman, but she’s not beauty, by any stretch of the imagination. I really understand beauty. And I will tell you, she’s not — I do own Miss Universe. I do own Miss USA. I mean I own a lot of different things. I do understand beauty, and she’s not.”

That makes sense. Angie doesn’t have plastic breasts or shit for brains and that’s what Trump likes in a woman. Angie’s shit is more beautiful than The Trump.

Source: Connie Talk

Posted by: Michael K
Donald Trump • Dumbasses

Friday, September 21st 2007
Trump’s Ladies

Why is Donald Trump in some of these pictures! There is so much exquisite beauty here and he ruins it! Ivanka and Melania Trump are two of my favorites. Ivanka is a diamond, hideous nose job and all. Seriously, her nose looks like an oversized clitoris now, but I won’t hold that against her.

There are no words to explain how stunning Melania is. And if there were words she couldn’t say them herself anyway! So why bother thinking up any!

Here’s two beauties and a beast at the launch of Ivanka’s fine jewelry collection last night in NYC.

Posted by: Michael K
Donald Trump • Ivanka Trump

Monday, August 20th 2007
In His Dreams!

Listen to this crap. Donald Trump actually thinks he can land what he calls “The Bimbo Trio” to appear on the celebrity version of his show “The Apprentice.” The Trump wants to save Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. He thinks his show can do it and he seems to think he can book them.

Delusional party of one! He said, “We’re negotiating with Britney right now. Can you imagine her doing it?” Trump told Page Six . “We’re not sure what will happen. She’s a fucking mess. And that little reality show she had did nothing. But she likes the idea of being on television and I think she’d be great.” Paris Hilton “wants to be on, and we’re thinking about it, but I don’t know if we’re going to do it.”

He went on to say that he’s going to call Lindsay this week to see if she’ll do it. He also claims HUNDREDS of A and B listers wanted to do the show.

According to him the cast already includes Joan Rivers, Kimora Lee Simmons, Jim Cramer, Carmen Electra, Naomi Judd, George Foreman, Omorosa, Jeff Gordon, Tony Hawk and Dana Patrick.

Where is the A Lister in this list?!!!! Carmen is probably the biggest star and she’s maybe barely a B. BARELY. Omorosa?! That bitch ain’t even on the alphabet!

Trump needs to wake up and smell the Rogaine!

Posted by: Michael K
Britney Spears • Donald Trump • Lindsay Lohan • Paris Hilton

Wednesday, August 1st 2007
It Would’ve Been Great TV

Producer Mark Burnett reportedly offered Rosie O’Donnell $2 Million for 12 days work on Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice: Celebrity Edition.” Rosie would’ve come face to face with the Donald.

A source claims Rosie turned it down FLAT and said she wouldn’t do it for “$200 Million.” What about 200 donuts? Did Donald think of that? I bet not!

Rosie’s rep said, “It will never happen in this lifetime or beyond.”

They should ask her again in 6-months. Her number’s coming up!

Which Affiliate Program Should I Choose

Which Affiliate Program Should I Choose

Ask questions first before you join an affiliate program. Do a little research about the choices of program that you intend to join into. Get some answers because they will be the deciding point of what you will be achieving later on.

Will it cost you anything to join? Most affiliate programs being offered today are absolutely free of charge. So why settle for those that charge you some dollars before joining.

When do they issue the commission checks? Every program is different. Some issue their checks once a month, every quarter, etc. Select the one that is suited to your payment time choice. Many affiliate programs are setting a minimum earned commission amount that an affiliate must meet or exceed in order for their checks to be issued.

What is the hit per sale ratio? This is the average number of hits to a banner or text link it takes to generate a sale based on all affiliate statistics. This factor is extremely important because this will tell you how much traffic you must generate before you can earn a commission from the sale.

How are referrals from an affiliate’s site tracked and for how long do they remain in the system? You need to be confident on the program enough to track those people you refer from your site. This is the only way that you can credit for a sale. The period of time that those people stay in the system is also important. This is because some visitors do not buy initially but may want to return later to make the purchase. Know if you will still get credit for the sale if it is done some months from a certain day.

What are the kinds of affiliate stats available? Your choice of affiliate program should be capable of offering detailed stats. They should be available online anytime you decide to check them out. Constantly checking your individual stats is important to know how many impressions, hits and sales are already generated from your site. Impressions are the number of times the banner or text link was viewed by a visitor of your site. A hit is the one clicking on the banner or text links.

Does the affiliate program also pay for the hits and impressions besides the commissions on sales? It is important that impressions and hits are also paid, as this will add to the earnings you get from the sales commission. This is especially important if the program you are in offers low sales to be able to hit ratio.

Who is the online retailer? Find out whom you are doing business with to know if it is really a solid company. Know the products they are selling and the average amount they are achieving. The more you know about the retailer offering you the affiliate program, the easier it will be for you to know if that program is really for you and your site.

Is the affiliate a one tier or two tier program? A single tier program pays you only for the business you yourself have generated. A two tier program pays you for the business, plus it also pays you a commission on the on the sales generated by any affiliate you sponsor in your program. Some two-tier programs are even paying small fees on each new affiliate you sponsor. More like a recruitment fee.

Lastly, what is the amount of commission paid? 5% – 20% is the commission paid by most programs. .01% – .05% is the amount paid for each hit. If you find a program that also pays for impressions, the amount paid is not much at all. As you can see from the figures, you will now understand why the average sales amount and hit to sale ratio is important.

These are just some of the questions that needed answering first before you enter into an affiliate program. You should be familiar with the many important aspects that your chosen program should have before incorporating them into your website. Try to ask your affiliate program choices these questions. These can help you select the right program for you site from among the many available.

  • Kalender

    • April 2024
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  • Cari